The Pressing Issues

Monday, April 24, 2006

Big Oxygen Thieves

Lets start with big brother.....

Now going into its 6th season, it would be mildly tolerable IF it weren't hosted by the inept, unfunny, untalented, undeserved of a D-grade profile bitch to ever grace the Australian Television Screen. Meanwhile the real talent on the show; Mike Goldman is relegated to competing with Friday Night Football or the haven for hardcore BB fans and pill poppers alike; bb uplate as they are the only ones who would still be watching at that time.

The fact is this show has been run and abandoned in so many countries yet network executives in ours have deemed it enough of a cash cow to bring it back to invade the once outstanding 7 o'clock time slot held by Sienfeld re-runs. So you can understand my pain now that we are one of the only countries left, voyeuristic enough to give give this oxygen thief collective the time of day in the ratings enough to warrant its existence. And in doing so subject the rest of the public (people like me) to this rubbish.

Ok now that's off my chest I will say this, I'll accept its on the air as people (I use the term loosely) do watch it but I will not accept the fact that channel 10 refuses to give this airtime hog a decent host.

This is not confined to big brother take the biggest loser for example, this show had the capacity to draw a large following and what do channel 10 do? They wheel out some no-name ex fat bitch so deemed by herself....Ajay Rochester. Who's that you say????? Great question I don't know either, but I do know this, she will fall off the face of the earth as quickly as she appeared tucking into leftover board meeting donuts on the way out.

Why wouldn't channel 10 take an existing personality from another show who's tried and true and perhaps needed some profile lifting, and let them host the show as they did in The world's Brainiest...... whatever with Sandra Sully?

Instead we're stuck with Gretel Killeen, *sigh* if she could screw her face up any more she would look remarkably like a cats Ass, she can't read an autocue she can't control a live audience she can't say anything original or funny and her physical appearance offends me.... I'm sure she dresses herself in those rags too.

Its almost like the network wants to drive people away because they're sick of running it, which makes no sense as channel 10 run well behind 7 and 9 in the ratings however it would make sense to cross promote their "talent" instead of handing the reigns over to these no-name hacks.
Hosting is crucial to a shows enjoyability which brings me to my next point Network Senior Commentators....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, very true re: Gretel. Though I can't agree about old mikey coleman..I saw that bloke at the D&D Ball (i was just passing through) wearing a seethrough black lace shirt...very faggy.

As for BB..i must say I'm happy with the boobs. I noticed Anna was a bit upset lately...maybe because she found out that her 'career' is laughable.

5:44 AM  

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