The Pressing Issues

Monday, July 03, 2006

The Most Pressing Issue Of All

Well readers its that time,
the most pressing issue of all (well...this week anyway) its an old favorite of mine, and it continues to drive me mad. For those who know me they'll be aware of this point of view however for those who don't perhaps it hasn't stuck a chord yet as u are more tolerant than the Dali Lama or Nelson Mandela.

The state of music is beyond a joke, what passes for music in this day and age is comical, and program/forums that deliver us this 'music' are rubbish. And the methods employed to do this are a joke axle "peace out" whitehead, so fresh wannabe's and the 2 chumps on ch 7.

Take for example video hits the No. 1 free-to-air program playing us the new so-called popular music, the host who by his own admittance knows nothing about popular music but takes every opportunity he can to tell everyone hes classically trained in jazz and is so totally cool......yeah right, if he didn't pause after every word and could competently string together a sentence it wouldn't bother me so much. but god damm he is annoying, typing about the others would only waste precious seconds where I could be organising my sock draw and cleaning the fridge magnets.

The worst proprietor of this rubbish is without a doubt Rhianna with her S.O.S/tainted love ripoff, there is no attempt whatsoever to distinguish her 'new' song and the old one with the reuse of at least half of the lyrics, you are killing me u Jamaican wanna be whore get your own lyrics!! oh wait don't do that...every person on the planet who was subjected to your pon de replay song is still confused.....I looked up Pon de in the dictionary and when my pursuit for the definition failed i turned to can't stump google.....right.....right...and still no sign of pon de...... pon de! what does that even mean!!!! HOW DO YOU PON DE REPLAY???? perhaps if she changed the lyrics of the song to;
"take the U and the T out of the word put............"
"and change T.H. to a D in the word THE...."
"then suck lots of cock and put it all together...and Mr dj will indeed P(ut)ON D(th)e replay"
and even if that is correct, if a song was crap in the first place Rhianna, and the dance floor was clear......playing it again with the volume turned up would surely send people out the door you idiot!!!
and just when you though wearing high heals was the go in a night club oh no no no wrong you are. Especially when you have to "let the base in the speakers run through your sneakers" blown away, Rhianna the poet laureate...just die please take you millions and go away.

I though that was the case for everyone's favorite lation whore preach that "lucky her breats are small and humble so I won't confuse them with mountains......" hello Shakira, ill never get close enough to confuse your small and humble breasts due to your annoying yodel noise pollution that is coming from ....Presumably your mouth. Don't yodel yodel yodalay he-hooooo.......mole just die

and just when you though the my sharona fad was on the was out from its resurgence due to reality bites...Its back again with the rouge traders...or should I call you rouge traders in being carried by Natalie basingthwaite and just like Newcastle suffer without Johns, mark my words, the day she is to big for you chumps it will be rogue who.... the blatant rippoff of my sharona is a disgrace if it was a uni assignment to produce a song and the music industry was in deed a would be out on your arse for full blown plagiarism, its almost like leaving the hyperlink in there to another article the copy and paste is that bad.

And finally Idol I hate everything about this tripe from the tool box ----andrew g-a-woganopolous-hide-my-wog-name-behind-an-initial-anopolous smokes the cock. and not in usual joint form...but rather the cock shisha-pipe or hookah with multiple avenues to smoke more cock with each drawback---- but the tool with alien eyes aswell, mate stick em back in your head casey donovan is not hot....

the fact is it wouldn't be so painful if if this crap popped up and disappeared as quick as it showed up...but they continue to jam it down our thoughts daily arhhhhhh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mate....well put.

Though you obsession with lyrics does concern me...

6:55 AM  

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